Discourse. Users, Groups, CategoriesNotes about getting information about users, groups, categories etc. right after an initial installationJan 22Jan 22
Discourse. SSO in 10 steps (Docker based)How to setup SSO for Discourse when you have a Ruby on Rails web project as a Login server.Jan 22Jan 22
Miniframe-Router: Router for Express.JS Applicationsminiframe-router — a minimalist router for Express.JS applications, inspired by Ruby on Rails. Here’s how I made it.Dec 30, 2024Dec 30, 2024
Rails 7. StartKit Loves PgAdmin 4How to install and use PgAdmin4 in Rails 7. StartKitOct 7, 2023Oct 7, 2023
How to install Rails 7 on Any Platform in 2023Instant Rails 7 Installation on Any Platform!Sep 18, 2023Sep 18, 2023
Первое интервью за 7 летПишу на русском, так будет просто быстрее. Хочу зафиксировать эмоцию.Mar 2, 2023Mar 2, 2023
gem Devise. 10 Steps to install in 2023Hello everyone! Today it is time to revisit installation and setup process of gem devise. Devise is the most popular and famous Ruby on…Feb 9, 2023Feb 9, 2023
Rails 7. Start Kit loves RSpec!Rails 7 Start Kit — Dockerized Rails App with the most popular preinstalled tools.Feb 4, 20231Feb 4, 20231
Rails 7.Start Kit loves RubocopThis weekend I’ve already published Rails 7. Start Kit Release 1.2, but not a time to stop. Release 1.3 is also here. In this release I’ve…Jan 29, 2023Jan 29, 2023
Rails 7. ActionMailer::Preview and MailcatcherThis week I’ve added to Rails 7. Start Kit functionality related to sending and previewing emails. Release 1.2 is here. Details you can…Jan 28, 2023Jan 28, 2023