StoryBook/React. Visual testing Integration with
Here I’m going to tell how I did integration with
I just had setup StoryBook for my new React application.
Now I should figure out how to use over StoryBook to provide visual testing.
First of all I need to create a new project on
Now it gives to me to select a required integration manual.
It leads you to
It’s time to install integration package.
yarn add @percy/storybook
And add a command to run specs.
"storybook:build": "build-storybook -c .storybook/local",
"visual:check": "yarn storybook:build && percy-storybook --widths=1280"
I’m running
PERCY_TOKEN=SecretToken yarn visual:check
That is it!
Looks like it’s not so difficult.
Now every time when I run visual check it builds storybook, sends to and I’ll need to check screenshots and approve them.
Have a happy development!